Permeation of Radon through Reinforced Polymers

Thread by Sandra on 09 Jun 2010 at 12:21:39 

Does someone know the permeation rate of Radon through cast and glass reinforced resins (e.g. polyester, ve resin, epoxy resin) and thermoplastic materials (polyamide, polyvinylchloride, polypropylene) in the presence of Water (relative humidity 80-100%).

What is the solubility (parameter) of Radon, Xenon and Krypton in these plastics?

Best Regards,

    Comment by Composite Analytica on 07 Jul 2010 at 16:59:50  | |responses: 0|
    Dear Sandra,

    Below some diffusion, solubility, permeability coefficients in some membranes at ambient conditions (25 degrees Celsius ant atmospheiric pressure), no moisture present:

    Table Source: M. Wojcik, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B61 (1991) 8-11 North-Holland
    Material Diffusivity [1E-10 cm2/s] Solubility[-] Permeability[1E-8 cm2/s]
    General Rubber 1000 12 120
    Butyl Rubber 49 4.4 2.1
    Polyurethane Soft 408 5.6 23
    Polyurethane Hard 88 7.9 4.9
    Polyvinylchloride soft 420 10 42
    Polyvinylchloride hard 140 5.2 7.3
    Polyamide Supronyl 6.1 3.4 0.2
    Plexi Glas (PMMA) 6.2 8.2 0.5

    The Radon diffusion through Epoxy resin is very dependent on the type of Epoxy (Bisphenol A, Bisphenol F, Novolac Epoxy) and curing agents used (Aliphatic Amine, Cycloalipatic amine, Aromatic Amine, Anhydride, Dcy, Polysulfide, Polyamides). So the Radon peremation behaviour depends on the specific application.

    Permeation of Radon, Xenon and Krypton in Vinyl Ester, Polyester, Epoxy and evenutally Polyurethane material can be assessed using CheFEM. Asssessments include Chemical and Physical ageing of the cast polymers and filled (reinforced) polymers.

    Kind Regards,
    Composite Analytica