Thread by Kate Stuart on 02 Mar 2009 at 22:25:51
We are orienting ourselves on pipeline solutions for CO2 (99.84% pure carbon dioxide) transport from, among others, coal plants to empty natural gas reservoirs. The fact that the water content in the CO2 is close to saturation (under the ball park assumption that the saturation water fraction in supercritical 17N carbon dioxide is 4E-3 from Spycher and Pruess, 2005) combined with the chemical reaction of - among other species - Carbon dioxide with Water under formation of Carbonic Acid leads to a requirement for long term corrosion resistant pipeline solutions. Two conceptual solutions have our current interest:
- Retrofitting on existing pipeline infrastructure by corrosion and pressure resistant coating / liner solutions (FBE corrosion resistant coating).
- For new pipelines: fibre reinforced plastics. Glass fibre reinforced Epoxy or Vinyl Ester based.
In line with my own thoughts and after skimming your site it might be that the acidic environment, and possible forthcoming resin, glass fibre and/or matrix degradation is a key parameter in the lifetime of the frp or coating solution chosen. Hence, I am interest in CO2, H2O and ion permeation and subsequent or simultaneous chemical degradation and resulting mechanical retention. My questions are a follows:
- Is ultimate chemical attack of the glass fibre plastic laminate the major service life factor? Or is the solubility of carbon dioxide in polymers at the current pressure and resulting resin swelling of more concern?
- Can your software predict chemical surface reactions by acid in combination with diffusion and simultaneous glass fibre corrosion?
- Does for diffusion of Carbonic Acid the electroneutrality relationship including the Maxwell-Stefan balance hold?
- What is the isotherm of supercritical in epoxy or vinyl ester based materials? I am little bit afraid of extreme high solubilities at 100 bar system pressure (supercritical gases have the tendency to dissolve as a liquid). The low free volume of properly cured resin systems probably makes things worse. What is worrying also is that one can find very limited information on glass reinforced epoxy or fusion bonded epoxy for CO2 transport piping solution. Is there for example any experience with GRE for CO2 transport in Europe, Canada or America?
- Is what are the pro's and con's of metal (steel) pipeline solutions compared to GRE? Our interest is long term pipe operation, at least a lifetime of 100 years.
- If we would make the pipe from Glass Reinforced Epoxy (GRE), what material should we use for related components, such as valves, orifice plates, pressure tanks and so on.
- I am interested in the permeation and corrosion simulator (CheFEM) and the possibilities of Abaqus (hoop stress, buckling stress, optimized grp laminate definition, sudden pressure drop scenarios, maximum pipeline pressure of coatings solutions) with this regard.
Thanks, and looking forward to hearing from you.
Kate Stuart